Anderson Porter Design

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First-of-its-kind Medical Cannabis Cultivator and Processor in Mississippi is Now Operational!

 Our team had the honor of attending the Southern Crop ribbon-cutting ceremony for Mississippi's first licensed medical cannabis cultivation and processing facility. The state-of-the-art facility boasts an incredible design-build team that completed the project in just 10 months - a true feat of engineering and collaboration. But what really sets Southern Crop apart is its unwavering commitment to an incredible ethos. The cannabis industry has long fought for legalization to help mitigate opioid usage, which has had a devastating impact on Mississippi. Southern Crop is leading the charge with a first-of-its-kind cannabis soft gel pill capsule designed to help patients manage pain safely and effectively. We couldn't be more proud to have been a part of such a forward-thinking team and to support this groundbreaking project for the state.