Cannabis is A Good Neighbor: Odor Mitigation

Episode 3: Odor Mitigation

Communities are often concerned that if cannabis facilities ventures into their community, there will be various problems, specifically with the odor cannabis emits. Erik Gath, Associate Principal at BLW Engineers, addresses this topic with Brian Anderson. Erik he has been working as a mechanical engineer in the cannabis space for approximately 5 years. Erik addresses odor concerns in cannabis facilities by implementing ways to diminish the odor. He has gained extensive knowledge of these methods over the years. Some people enjoy and appreciate the scent of cannabis, but it is vital to be courteous to the community. Listen to the third episode of the podcast series “Cannabis is a Good Neighbor” below! Like and subscribe as we are consistently releasing episodes, and we would love to hear feedback on these community issues.

This is a podcast series brought to you by Anderson Porter Design. Brian Anderson is joined by cannabis industry experts to discuss concerns of cannabis in the neighborhood. Our goal is to provide industry experts with information regarding sustainability, best practices, and challenges they may face with communities while working in cannabis. We also hope industry experts will use this podcast as a resource to share on a local level to educate communities and lawmakers about what they can expect by having cannabis as a neighbor.


Caring for Community, Cannabis and Sustainability


Cannabis is A Good Neighbor: Employment