Old Mills Get a New Lease From Cannabis
APD had the pleasure of being featured in a recent Boston Globe article on February 19, 2019 entitled “Old mills get a new lease from cannabis”. Principal Brian Anderson shared his knowledge on the adaptability of old mills and warehouse for cannabis production.
“Investors want to see profits as fast as possible, so the quicker they can get the business off the ground the better”
We have found that there are some advantages and disadvantages to repurposing these old mills and warehouses. Considerations when looking at these older buildings are as follows:
Does the building meet today’s code? Does it have the load capacity to hang equipment?
Is there asbestos and/or lead paint present that needs to be abated?
How tight is the building envelope? Has there been severe degradation over the years?
Is there mold present?
Does the electrical wiring need to be updated?
“This is a product that crosses the blood-brain barrier; you can’t grow it in a contaminated space.”